Non-Fiction, Personal, Writing

What’s Up With Writing Groups, Anyway?

Writing is so often romanticized as a solitary, mysterious act that each author does for themselves, by themselves. Alone in her attic, Jo March scribbles furiously upon her pages. Shakespeare breaks another quill nib on his parchment as he desperately seeks ‘the muse.’ But is the lonely writer life really all it’s cracked up to… Continue reading What’s Up With Writing Groups, Anyway?

Book Stuff, Non-Fiction, Personal, Writing

NaNoWriMo – A Chance to Grow Stronger

Every November, writers and would-be novelists all over the globe commit themselves to writing 50,000 words in just 30 days. While that sounds like an unrealistic goal at first, a little bit of math reveals that it comes down to a goal of 1,667 words per day - which is much more manageable for some.… Continue reading NaNoWriMo – A Chance to Grow Stronger

Non-Fiction, Personal, Writing

How I Met My Publisher (And Other Writer Questions Answered)

Upon learning that I am a Published Author, fellow writerly types often ask How I Got Published. I'm happy to answer, and to save on even more time, I thought I'd trot this out as a link that can be referenced anytime the story is prompted. "How did you get published?" In 2012, I was… Continue reading How I Met My Publisher (And Other Writer Questions Answered)